Here we are, the next meeting is the biggest meeting to occur at Mendips for some years – the BriSCA F2 BRITISH CHAMPIONSHIP.
Drivers from every point in the country will be coming to race with us in what Is promising to be a busy weekend of bumper heavy action, with biggest prize on offer early doors on Sunday.
An absolutely stellar line up of drivers will be on show – and for the first time this year, every superstar will be at the same meeting.
Leading the entry, is the defending champion, Chris Burgoyne (647), who since winning the British title, added the European and Scottish to his roof, and a World Semi win to boot!
The undoubted form man is fellow Scot, Gordon Moodie (7), who took the last two finals here and is leading the points here. Maybe it could be Dave Polley (38), or of the locals, a healthy drop to blue will play into their hands for Chris Mikulla (522), Justin Fisher (315) and Nathan Maidment (935).
With the qualifying heats on Saturday night, and Sunday, the final itself, then a 3 heat full format, to sort out what needs to be settled!
As for support – the Back 2 Basics bangers are back, and they are in unlimited format. Big cars, on the key and framed up – rip it, strip it, crash it, smash it, win it – then bin it. Banger racing with the fun put back into it on the Saturday night.
Sunday sees the traditional midsummer banger meet – the Graham Salter Tribute Meeting – invitation only to allow that the meeting is raced in the right spirit.
Junior Rods also support - Jack Buckingham (75) was the star of the show last time out with two wins, but it was Ewan Gumbleton (190) who took the final win – the stars of tomorrow past their bed time!
The Hot Rods give us some close quarters action. Last time it was very much about the weather, with the final being run in a monsoon. Expect Messrs Griggs, Hunt and Shelper to get involved, and maybe, legend that is Colin White to come and play
Saturday – the gates open at 1pm – racing starts at 4pm, and camping is available for the “Party Tent” Mendip’s very own midsummer shindig that rivals and some say surpasses, the festival down the road which goes on at the same time – and bonus, we don’t have Coldplay!
Sunday the gates open at 10:30, with pre meeting build up to the British Championship, with interviews and presentations and fun before the meeting starts at 1.
If you miss this, you truly will miss out, it promises to be an absolute classic!
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