Newsletter 05 2009

November 3, 2009

End of Season Newsletter 2009

We ended our 2009 season on October 18th in superb style, with three new West of England Champions who each won their titles in thrilling races. Certainly Pikey went into the Banger West of England as favourite, but he didn’t have it easy, and deserved his win. Richard Howard(47) lost out last year in the Special Rods, but this year drove an immaculate race to win, under constant pressure from Sponsor Robin Bath(25), and Marcus Goldsmith(198) who had done so well to take pole. After his early season disappointments, Sam May (501) retained his title in fine style, and Steve Sayer (60) achieved one of his goals by winning the Points Championship. Expect to see him in a Special Rod in 2010.

Drivers Meeting 2009

This will take place on Sunday November 29th at the Village Hall at Farrington Gurney, which is about a quarter of a mile down the lane between the traffic lights and the Little Chef. As always, every driver is welcome, as well as MiniRod parents, and it is your chance to have your say about the racing, and get information on what is happening in 2010. If you are a first year racer, please come along, you will be welcome.

Here is the agenda for the day:-

12 noon Bangers and Rookie bangers drivers meeting
1pm Reliant Robin Drivers meeting
1.30pm Special Rod Drivers meeting
2.30pm MiniRod drivers and parents meeting
3.30pm Hot Rod drivers meeting
4pm Staff meeting

The Captain will be on hand with photos and dvds for sale, for some Christmas shopping, and you can renew your Licence at a discount, or just meet up have a jaw.

Formula Two Stock Cars

 Our final 2009 meeting will probably be remembered for all the wrong reasons, especially the awful crash that happened to Rob Batten. Thankfully, it seems that Rob will have no permanent damage, but the accident cast a downer on the whole of the meeting. Unfortunately, tempers frayed at the Pit Gate, and we are investigating how one of our staff had to have hospital treatment, after being knocked over in the melee that ensued when unauthorised people tried to invade the track, I always wonder just what they think they are going to do when they get to the scene of the accident, when we have the very best trained people to treat injuries, and rescue drivers. The last thing we need is an audience when we are trying to rescue an injured driver. All of our access gates are locked during racing, and no one has any authority to enter them.

It was building up to a good meeting, with a good field, and an excellent Rookies Reward Final, and it was a pleasure to see some perhaps unexpected drivers on the winning trail for our white and yellow series. Remember, most tracks allow all grades in the Final, but we never do-the money is always won by a white or yellow roof.

Chris Bradbury absolutely nailed the Points Championship, and took the Howard Cole memorial trophy as well, but sadly, it may well be the last time, as Carol Cole feels that it has a jjnx on it. 

2010 will feature an extra meeting for stock cars, as the F2 Nationals will be staged on Sunday April 18th, and we look forward to seeing all of you back again in the new season, but especially at the Dinner and Dance on February 5th.

Final points for 2009

886 Chris Bradbury 192
152 Mick Sworder 97
877 Eddie Darby 91
676 Neil Hooper 90
677 Chris Roots 86
642 Dave Luscombe 85
315 Justin Fisher 77
105 Ross Rowe    68
812 Scott Williams 63
189 Paul Butcher 59


Although we did not have as many cars as in previous years, we certainly had quality, and that resulted in a very entertaining afternoon. A few bits of tin, some good crashing, and some good racing, and a worthy West of England Champion. Good to see the locals turning out, especially those we don’t see too often, and no one afraid to get stuck in! We will stick to this date for 2010, as we believe it is still a better option that the first Sunday in October. Martin Dalton won the Points Championship, despite not racing since August, which is certainly a great achievement to end a career on, if that is the case…..

Lots of big races for bangers in November-Ipswich World Final on the 14th, with Steve Griffin and Paul Barnes going for gold, with Sam Trim, Jamie Charles, Marcus Goldsmith and Paul Whiteman going to contest the Last Chance events. One week and a day later is the ORCi 2litre Banger teams, with Ben Tovey, Wusty, Steve Griffin, Marcus Goldsmith, Sam Trim, Mike Cocks, Paul Barnes and Darren Feltham travelling to Mildenhall to try to improve on our best ever third place from 2006.

A week after that will be Champion of Champions at Birmingham Wheels, and as Pikey has won most of the Championships, there won’t be many in that race!

There will be news about 2010 Banger dates at the Drivers Meeting.

Points and Grades for start of season 2010:-

  Red Top      Blue Top    
 190v  Steve Bailey  146  162v  Brett Ellacott 42
 58  Martin Dalton  134  83  Andy Beaven  41
 239v  Steven Carter  118  714v  Paul Smaldon  38
 210  Paul Barnes  117  149  Lee Norman  37
 198  Marcus Goldsmith  116  458  Kenny Dalton  36
 208v  Jimmy Randall  114  15  Ben Tovey  32
 404  Rob Mills    97  298v  Sam Wyatt     30
 44  Steve Griffin  96      
 517  Scott Weldon  85      
 396  Scott Mowlam  66      
 363  Sam Trim  62      
 107  Dan Chiplen  60      
 49  Rob Bevan  43      

(v indicates visiting drivers-shown for information purposes only)


Numbers have been a little lower in the MiniRods, and that left us with an unfortunate four car race of which two finished last meeting! Should this happen in future we may be running two heats and an all in Final, with perhaps and Allcomers race at the end. Lots of change for next year, with drivers moving up and new drivers starting. It was good to see that all three in the Championship passed post race scrutineering, and it was also a very good race for the title.

Overleaf  are the Points and Grades for the Start of 2010

 Red      Blue    
 60  Steve Sayer  174(retd)  61  Alex Slogget  46
 11  Tony Munden  155 (retd)  21  Emily Moulton  45
 7  Aaron Charles  130  56  Ryan Mulley  40
 23  Jack Stuckey  128  15  Shane Jennings  38
 43  Sam Howard  106  121  Kieran Gillard   35
 501  Sam May     94  4  Jesse Milverton  34
 404  Macauley Mills  80  9  Jaz Skyrme     32
 127  Louis Aldom  71  16  Daniel Milverton  30
 22  Jordan Puddy  66  111  Natasha Howe  28
 796  Daniel Steeds  66  342  Ben Elliot  21
 79  Mason Thomas  56      
 91  Sam Bartlett  52      

Special Rods

‘One of the best races ever’ was the opinion of one spectator after the Special Rods West of England Championship, and we have to agree that it was a real nail biter. Richard Howard(47) won on the road last year, but this year it was the perfect drive, and won him the Points Championship as well. Numbers have been lower this year, but the racing has not suffered for it. We have plenty of places available for Special Rod Racing in 2010, so no waiting list, and if anyone you know wants to have a go, there has never been a better time.

October Grades will remain for the first meeting of 2010, but below is the final points chart.

 47  Richard Howard  149
 198  Marcus Goldsmith  120
 42  John Major     119
 23  Ross Stuckey  113
 173  Alan Cambridge  99
 25  Robin Bath     97
 144  Mark Thompson  68
 17  Lee Robins  61
 10  Stephen Hine  56
 41  Dene Howard  56
 136  Jason Horseman  51
 43  Andy Howard  47
 48  Steve Hodge  44
 993  Darren Foss  44
 407  Nigel Gissing  43
 83  Doug George  38
 33  Shaun Norton  34
 930  Nick Simons  32
 39  Craig Harris  31
 19  Matthew Tegg  30

The Last Bit

Driver of the Year 2009
Many of you will have voted by now for Drivers of the Year 2009. If you have been missed, and you wish to vote, please contact Nicci Port on 07879 407676 or making sure that you leave your own name and number as well as that of the driver for which you wish to vote. Remember, it is a vote for a driver who is registered with Mendips Raceway only.

Photos - If you wish to buy photos from any of our meetings-check out the track shop, or select them from the website and email

Still buying Reliant axles and propshafts-£30 each    See Graham or phone 01963 220028.

Dvds available for all of our meetings-contact Chris Dalton 01454 319000 or

Dinner and Dance Tickets available now!-01963 220028 or collect at the Drivers Meeting.
The date is Saturday February 5th 2010.
If you want to book your room at the Webbington, phone 01934 750100, and mention Mendips Raceway.

Wanted:-Sierra drivers door outer handle for the Raceway P100 truck-anyone got one?
Phone Graham on 01963 220028, and cash waiting at the Drivers Meeting.

For Sales Please let us have details of any cars for sale to go onto the website, as that is where prospective drivers will look to buy cars.


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