Newsletter 02 2011

May 16, 2011

Newsletter May 2011

A very long time since the last Newsletter, and no one seems to have missed it! All of our newsletters and other information is now online at, and that is a trend which will continue.

We are five meetings into the new season, and not a bad one yet!

New Drivers

This Newsletter keeps you up to date with everything that is going on at the Raceway, and most importantly, your change of racing grade or roof colour. All of our formulae are regraded usually after every two meetings, and once notified, you must repaint your car roof in the correct grading colour.

Driver and Mechanic admissions

It has been evident at the beginning of the season once again that drivers do not understand the free entries that are granted with your Mendips Raceway racing licence. In all cases, the driver and one other person is admitted free of charge-all other family and friends have to pay.

When the tow vehicle or transporter arrives, that is when the free admissions are granted-not two hours later when a family member arrives on their own and claims a free ticket. If your wife, or girlfriend or mechanic wish to use the free admission, they must arrive with the driver. With Junior Rods, both parent are admitted free with the driver, and in all cases, we do not charge for drivers children under 15 years of age.

Brisca F2 Stock Cars

Whilst the World Qualifier was reasonably well attended, our second meeting on May 2nd was an all in format, as only 20 cars were available to race. This led to the cancellation of the Rookies Reward race, which was a great shame, and therefore that prize money will be carried over to the next round which is scheduled for May 29th. We will definitely run this round, and it will be for double prize money, so don’t miss out! The round is sponsored by Ray Lines Engineering, and is notable because it as near as we can get to 50 years since Ray Lines (ex613) won his first Final in a Junior Stock Car at Matchams Park,  Ringwood-in May 1961!

On the subject of our next meeting, our traditional June event has moved to July, and the F2 stock car drivers have a chance to be part of our annual Cancer Charity meeting, which is titled Filo’s Crashmania, in memory of one of our most popular banger drivers, lost to cancer three years ago. We have raised around £15000 over the past 10 years, and we are delighted that the stock cars will be racing on that day for the Pink Ribbon Trophy, which has been presented especially for this occasion. Please make the effort to race on that day, as cancer is a terrible disease that affects every family, and we always have a great day fundraising, and the more outrageous pink stunts the better! Have a look at the 2010 pictures on our website to get the idea!

676       Neil Hooper                   68

921       Jack Aldridge                45

835       Matt Westaway              34

886       Chris Bradbury              33

522       Chris Mikulla                 27

315       Justin Fisher                 26

374       Gary Stephens              26

606       Andrew Palmer              25

677       Chris Roots                   24

990       Paul Rice                      23


The Micro meeting that started the year off was well attended and very entertaining, we shall do our best to fit in another next year. Hearse and Limos was not as good as previous years, but the large Bank Holiday crowd enjoyed seeing the big cars, and it was quite understandable that drivers wanted to keep them for THUNDERBOLT. This meeting may have another year in it-if you want it to continue then it will, providing cars are available, or otherwise we might try a big van meeting. THUNDERBOLT XI was very good, and had plenty of visitors, and Martin has to be congratulated for a well deserved win, even though he had to retire to win a Championship on his home track! We did not have any entries for the Hednesford 2litre World, which is understandable with fuel and car costs, but the first time for quite a while that we have not had drivers in a World Final. The next weekend is unders on Sunday and overs on Monday, and the second World Qualifier. This meeting was well supported last year despite being against Crasharama, so we hope that it will be again this year.

Top Tens

Bangers                                                            Banger World Qualifiers

363       Sam Trim                      59                     252       Steve Bugler                 42

517       Scott Weldon                54                     210       Paul Barnes                  27

252       Steve Bugler                 42                     44         Steve Griffin                 21

303       Jason Oliver                  39                     517       Scott Weldon                19

40         Pete Stanley                 39                     40         Pete Stanley                 17

62         Brett Ellacott(v)             36                     15         Ben Tovey                    16

446       Jason Burt                    29                     224       Dale Edwards               15

790       Dominic Gumbleton       28                     446       Jason Burt                    11

58         Martin Dalton                28                     162       Mike Cocks                   8

210       Paul Barnes                  27                     11         Damian Deacon                        8

Reliant Robins

Good to see some new faces finding out just how much fun you can have on three wheels, and the next meeting will be Crazy Day. The plan is to have a straight race, a wrong way round race, and a ramp race.

Due to the price of radiators, we are prepared to allow water tanks to be used. These must be no more than a couple of gallons, and fitted to the fibreglass above and in front of the engine, in the panel that used to hold the heater unit. Anything other than this will be refused.

Top Ten


499       Lee Charles                   55

87         Barry Richards              48

3          Dan Tytheridge              42

444       Mark Loader                  38

78         Mark Bowskill                37

445       Niki Loader                   33

33         Jack Carnell                  12

111       Tom Ruby                     12

9          Adam Allias                  12

39         Simon Faulkner             11


Junior Rods

We are very pleased with the progress here. The Assessent Day was a great success, and was really held because we had so many new drivers ready to take it. It was much less pressurised than a race day, and everyone enjoyed it. We have allowed the novice drivers to have their own heat in the two meetings staged so far, which has tilted the points and gradings slightly, but having looked at the points, we have decided to grade the drivers exactly how the points have fallen. If any driver feels over graded, and the by all means speak to Russ, and we can drop you down to a grade that is more suitable. New drivers may still start at the back of the grid if they wish.

Red Tops Blue Tops

127       Louis Aldom                 52                     273 Zoe Cambridge                   16

510       Sid Harrison                  46                     30 Joe Capel                             15

796       Daniel Steeds               37                     39 Sophie Harris                        14

404       Macauley Mills              36                     202 Shannon Mills                     9

87         Callum Richards            34                     16 Daniel Milverton                    9

6          Connor Jeffries             26                     313 Charlie Boorer                     8

14         Andrew Russell             23                     122  Portia Rowe                       4

205       Charlie Norton               23                     25 Brad Seymour                      4

111       Natasha Howe               23

Hot Rods

Having scheduled an extra meeting this season, it would be good to have some more drivers racing in the Hot Rods. As always, many thanks to the drivers who have turned up and made the racing as exciting as it has been, but we really need to get back up to double figures. If there are any more drivers out there, please do your best to persuade them to come and join us. Good to see Steve on top of the points, and he seems to be well on it this year, as is Larry, having finally got the Focus sorted.

282       Steve Hunt                    77

18         Larry Langmead            75

718       Colin White                   58

55         Alistair Lowe                 47

205       Mike Norton                 38

904       Wilson Hamilton            29

117       Dave Tossell                 26

258       James Griggs               25

89         Mick Cave                     12

578       Rick Lee                       8

Special Rods

Sorry that the message didn’t get through to everyone about the new grades for last meeting, but not everyone can spend hours on the internet! We do publish this newsletter on the website every time, but you have to register to access it, which is not difficult. Lots of great racing in this class, and some more new drivers adding to the formula. Ross was unlucky to break a gearbox last time, or he would probably be even more ahead in the points! We carried out a random engine check at the second meeting, and there will be more such checks as the season goes on, thanks to our keen scrutineering team. There are no grade changes this month, but here is the Top Ten.


23         Ross Stuckey               62

18         Russ Colenutt               60

47         Richard Howard             56

42         John Major                    53

39         Craig Harris                   39

10         Stephen Hine                35

173       Alan Cambridge                        31

122       Joe Rowe                     31

41         Dene Howard                30

210       Paul Barnes                  29

The Last Bit

We have received a letter from Avon and Somerset Constabulary to say that there have been complaints about dangers to cyclist and pedestrians in the are around the Raceway, when the traffic is dense going to and coming away from race meetings. They have asked us to bring this to the notice of all competitors, and so here it is.

It is more difficult to contact our customers, of course, but please, it you drive large transporters and similar vehicles, take care when overtaking or meeting cyclists and walkers, who have just as much right to use the Mendip hills as we do.

Bang On Track for Filo’s Crashmania

This is the schedule for the madcap trip that constitutes the main fund raising effort for 2011 For more details, and how to sponsor the trip, check the page on Ovalchat. Good luck to all taking part!

16/7/11 miles=360.1                                                                         23/7/11 miles=293.2 (total 2765.7 miles)

Mendips-St Day                                                                                 Northampton-Arena Essex
St Day-East Taphouse                                                                        Arena Essex- Dover
East Taphouse-Neverbridge                                                                Dover-Smallfield
Neverbridge-Smeatharpe                                                                    Smallfield-Rusper
Smeatharpe-Ringwood Matchems                                                        Rusper-Worthing                                 

Arlington-Ockies House

17/7/11 miles=318.9 (total 679 miles)
Ringwood Matchems-Ringwood Cheetahs                                       24/7/11Ockies House-Mendips
Ringwood Cheetahs-Tadley

18/7/11 miles=305.6 (total 984.6 miles)
Stoke- Prestatyn
Buxton-Belle Vue

19/7/11 miles=447.8 (total 1432.4 miles)
Belle Vue-Warton
Warton-Glasgow Airport
Glasgow Airport- Belfast Airport
Belfast Airport-Nutts Corner
Nutts Corner-Ballymena
Ballymena-Belfast Airport

20/7/11 miles=396.9 (total 1829.3 miles)
Belfast Airport-Glasgow Airport
Gloagow Airport-Knockhill

21/7/11 miles=296.4 (total 2125.7 miles)
Swaffham-Kings Lynn

Kings Lynn-Skegness
22/7/11 miles=346.8 (total 2472.5 miles)
Skegness-Great Yarmouth
Great Yarmouth-Ipswich

For Sale

3.89 and 3.54 Escort diffs , half shafts and axle casings. 
Call 01963220028

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