Newsletter 01 2011

January 4, 2011

Wusty’s Grab a Granny Raffle

The 2011 Matches and Despatched Banger meeting on Easter  Monday 2011 will also be a testimonial meeting for John ‘Wusty’ Worstencroft (51) who has retired from racing after 27 years in the sport. His wish is to raise money for charity at this meeting, and the main efforts will be Wusty’s Grab a Granny raffle, and the main prize will be a Granada Banger rolling shell(or a cash prize of £200). In addition, there are prizes of dvd compilations from THUNDERPIX, and other worthwhile prizes that will be announced next week. Tickets will be available for purchase online via Paypal on this site and the popular Ovalchat banger racing site, and will be priced at £1. Final details will be announced in the middle of next week, and all proceeds will go to charities associated with oval racing.

Civil War

The annual Civil War banger meeting takes place at Hednesford Hillls Raceway on Sunday January 16th 2011. This meeting is North versus South and features hand picked teams of drivers from the north and south racing in three classes of national bangers for the win on points. This year, Mendips Raceway drivers fill ten of the places in the southern army, which shows the calibre of our national banger drivers at the moment, who provided so much superb entertainment  in 2010, which was described in Wasted magazine as one of the best seasons ever. Racing starts at 1pm.


Rumours appear to be rife and the websites alive with news of an Injured Drivers Fund launched/to be launched by the ORCi. It has to be said that all of the rumours are presently without substance.

Promoter members of the ORCi wish to make it quite clear that whilst there have been discussions, a final decision has still to take place whether a Fund is to be set up, and if it is, exactly how this is to be administered.

Retired Buxton Raceway promoter, Dave Pierce, is preparing a document to present to the next ORCi meeting which is scheduled for late January 2011and further news will follow.

There has been much comment regarding ORCi promoters advising the three Trustees of the present Banger Drivers Benevolent Fund that they are no longer welcome to fund raise at their tracks.

Whilst we applaud the work done so far, I am sure most people will understand that we cannot allow this to happen presently, whilst there is an internal dispute between the Trustees, which realistically is only doing harm to the very purpose and name of the Fund. We would urge them to attempt to resolve the present impasse as soon as they can and we support them in their efforts.

Paul Gerrard

Special Rods 2011

At the Drivers meeting in December, which was well attended by Special Rod drivers, it was agreed that the Toyo tyres that have been in test by Craig Harris(39)m would not longer be allowed in the formula, on the basis of cost. Most drivers agreed that the Yokohama tyre now being used had stabilised and improved the formula, and as there were plenty of second hand tyres available at £10 each, and new tyres are still under £50, this would be the way forward. In addition, it was agreed to allow electric fans, and limited slip diffs that derived from standard Sierra parts. Robin Bath(25) who announced his retirement from the formula to join his father and brother in the Mascar series, said he would continue his support for the West of England Championship through his Arebee Signs company, and hoped to be contesting the championship in 2011 in a one off appearance.

Junior Rods 2011

A great change was agreed at the drivers meeting for the future of junior racing at the raceway, after twenty years of MiniRod racing. After trials in 2010, it was agreed that any 1000cc car that is fuelled by carburettor or single point injection may be used, provided that it Is fitted with a restrictor plate top the same specification as the current Minirod regulations, so we should see some interesting new cars appearing in 2011 such as Novas, Micras and suchlike.

Reliant Robins

The popular Reliant Robins have a similar pattern of meetings in 2011, including  the second running of the Crazy day on May 29th. There will be more emphasis on entertainment, with individual awards for drivers who provide the laughs, rather than  the winners, and the August Bank Holiday Figure of Eight meeting will once again be supported by our Caterers.

Hot Rods

Two new sponsors feature in the Hot Rods for 2011-Mick Cave Grab and Tip, and Hamilton Motors. The Hot Rods had a good season, and have an extra meeting in 2011, but the Points Championship will again terminate in July, leaving the West of England Championship as the final event having no National points attached to it.

National Bangers Ovalchat Awards

In a recent poll on Ovalchat, Jason’Needy Peck’ Oliver was named as the 3rd most improved driver of 2010, and THUNDERBOLT X the third best meeting of 2010. For Jason, winning THUNDERBOLT X and the British Beef trophy, this was certainly his best season ever, and THUNDERBOLT X was a very hard hitting and destructive affair that was probably the best in its ten year history

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